There are many ways to tell if you are experiencing a divine masculine awakening. When we shine light on these aspects of ourselves, when we become aware of what is unhealthy/wounded, we can heal and transform this into healthy and divine . Villanova offered a few keywords that might suffice to express the divine masculine: The relationship between divine masculine and feminine is best represented as head vs. heart. Before becoming one with your counterpart, you experience the chaser and runner dynamic. There is still a few misunderstanding and disarray about what divine energies mean in the twin fire venture. Maybe youve noticed how your body gets flooded with endorphins whenever you are active thats because you are literally meant to move. There is your immortal part, also called the soul / higher self. 2. A man who has embodied his Divine Masculine will manage to make logical decisions, that both his brain and his heart support. Divine Masculine and the Spiritual Awakening Process. The world is transitioning into a new paradigm where the Divine Feminine is honored as sacred alongside her Divine Masculine counterpart. People will learn that you are a source of love and protection and will feel very safe and loved around you. The toxic masculine wants to feel strong and powerful, so it can lead someone to act out by having meaningless flings or one-night stands without any type of emotional attachment. You might normally associate a desire to settle down and have a foundation with feminine energy, but remember that the divine masculine is all about protecting and providing. It is a kind of self-control that doesn't let you wander around from your goal. Lets move on to the next thing youll notice: Youll start feeling more visible and more in control. In other words, a sign your divine masculine awakens is when you feel an unstoppable urge to protect your twin flame. Water has LONG been associated with women and the divine feminine. Your 'Divine Feminine' Twin Flame (often the 1 st Awakened Twin Flame), is highly likely to be born in a female body, but again not always. When this part of yourself awakens, you will feel a new level of excitement as you take on challenges that used to seem too intimidating before. Divine masculine men are known for their decision-making skills. You will have a strong urge to take time for yourself to create. This is being deeply in love with your own self, having your own back. This is scarily accurate, I couldn't thank you more for posting this! And it will continue to grow stronger and stronger each day as you keep doing what you want. He doesn't need to rush. Physical Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening 1 | Be aware. } Connect with your energy and feel it flow through your body. Divine masculine awakening symptoms. Real masculinity is all about being assertive with the things that you want in life. The Divine Masculine loves action. If you start feeling like some of the signs above are true for you (or a few of them), this might be a signal that your divine masculine is waking up. So, if youre starting to realize that your relationship is confusing and intimidating, theres a reason for it. You feel unconditional love and respect for your man, and no fight or disagreement could shake you from your peace. As is true with most things, the fact that this is a twin flame relationship only amplifies those feelings and makes them more challenging. After watching the video, I discovered my purpose in life and it dissolved my feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction. Dont go into panic mode. Just think about ancient times, and how much men had to move to hunt, fight or travel. If youve been feeling like your goals are bigger and more realistic than they used to be, then it is a sign that the divine masculine in you is starting to awaken. var isYTTikTok = 1; For instance, you may desire to paint more or create music. Add when you make mistakes, you will take ownership of them. As a divine masculine, you will want someone who is there to support you through thick and thin, and you will realize how much the divine feminine can teach you. You feel the drive to succeed and do better than beforeand you want to! They helped her understand what her twin flame was going through and reassured her that he will come back to her. and people who open a spiritual "door" for you (like a twin flame or soul mate). And when you listen, your life will become easier and more fulfilling. Fueling the other connections the Feminine has in their lives and experiencing . This might be the result of changes taking place in the realm of spirit, or it could be a product of your divine masculine awakening. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. This is because his masculine energy is all about being in charge and taking care of things. Sally says it's a life-changing and dynamic process. One of the biggest side effects of divine masculine awakening is impatience. Every being on this planet, male or female, has both a masculine side and a feminine energy within them. In other words, when it starts to awaken, you will feel the need to be active and move. The divine masculine is always on the move. Because he's secure in himself he does not lead with aggression or domination. You have clarity and set . Sure, they know their name and what they work, but when it comes to the deeper stuff? Here are a few sure-fire ways to make it happen, according to Villanova: Take responsibility. As divine feminine energy, kundalini usually lies dormant in the root chakra (base of the spine). As powerful women in honor of sacred feminine energy, we have to dream big. My goal is to decipher the most confusing concepts so that anyone who is interested in living a better and fulfilled life can apply them. So often in the spiritual awakening community we hear both men and women complain about adapting to our overly dominated masculine culture.A culture that is out of balance with the divine feminine. When the Divine Masculine in you awakens, you will be surprised at how determined you can be. But remember you still need them. Whenever you will see a person or an animal in any sort of danger or suffering, your protective side will surface and you will offer help. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"IC19kEOVwmbirr2SjVcvrpa8SfNROKpkl4BScpjHkXU-1800-0"}; Your divine masculine energy has awakened and youre now feeling like a whole new person. As mentioned before, the divine feminine is there to balance the divine masculine inside of all of us and the other way around. Today we are going to dive in. You want to change your life, be more spontaneous and do things you never thought you would do before. Feelings such as jealousy, insecurity, and attachment might go out the window after some time. Divine masculine energy doesnt rely on negative energy like defensiveness and bullying to be seen and heard. As the divine masculine awakens in your twin flame bond, it may feel like you are being pushed further and further apart, said a friend of mine, while her counterpart was experiencing a divine masculine awakening. Notice how many feminine and masculine influences you see in it based on the above. Copyright 2023 Subconscious Servant. When the divine masculine energy shows up in your life, you begin to realize that a role in leadership is right up your alley. He wont spend all day trying to figure out what other people think of him or how he should act in situations, because he knows that what works for him might not work for others. The truth is, however, that youre not controlling anything your life takes care of itself and youre just riding the wave with it. A very basic way to figure this out is to have us calculate your birth chart. While the divine masculine flame is most often biologically male, that's not always the case. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. You will offer a balanced, empowering type of protection. Additionally, there may be deep spiritual experiences, altered states of consciousness, realization of spiritual . To awaken divine masculinity, you first need to truly understand what it is and what it isnt. In Hinduism this is an important concept in Shaiva Tantra. Loving yourself is about committing to who you are, understanding the many different nuances to your identity, and showing yourself a level of care and intimacy that we usually reserve for other people. Think of Niagara Falls again. How do you feel about the power of the womb, menstruation, and the mystique of the Divine Feminine? Masculinity is spiritually awakened at times when you need to access your shadow side or assertiveness as a means to an end. Your newly acquired leadership skills will help you in both your professional and your personal life. And yes, I said "every human being" and not "every man . Your vibration when you're around . 3. Here are some symptoms: 1. The Divine Masculine leads with confidence and skill. While watching, I felt like someone understood my struggles to find love for the first time and finally offered an actual, practical solution to unite with my queen. The divine masculine has a counterpart: the divine feminine. isYTTikTok = 0; In your life, take charge and prevent other people from making the decisions for you. Once you start to embrace that, you will notice that you will become more goal-oriented. And we end up caring about what others think of us rather than focusing on what we need at a more fundamental level. To honor the yin energy within you, connect with your body. Either way, youll feel like youre heading in the right direction. Symptom #3: You enjoy taking risks. It is the essence of your choice to come into this life as a man. Extreme sports are a big part of the masculine spirit and theyre usually an excellent way to release some tension or anger. Before we even begin, lets get one thing straight: Theres a divine feminine and a divine masculine in you, regardless of your gender. Twin flames have a very passionate connection to one another which can lead to emotional dependency. 3. You will be able to accept yourself for who you are, and you will not have to worry about other people judging you or having a negative opinion of who you are. You may have already been active before but this time you will feel an even greater desire to move whether it is through working out, working outside, or anything else. It will take a few more weeks for the rest of earth's portals and the entire energy grid to be ignited and at least 3 more months for the energies to be fully consolidated into our planet. Its hard to know whether the divine masculine wakes up first or the divine feminine, but youll have to do your best to find out which one is manifesting inside of you. You will know who you are, what you want, and what you need to do in order to be successful in your life. You will have a sense of personal power and strength that you never had before. Be the instigator, initiator, and giver within your relationships (and life in general). See additional information. Twin flame divine masculine awakening isnt easy, but its worth it. But both divine masculine and feminine energies are needed in order for all of us to exist. May 14, 2022, 4:10 pm. You might feel like you have issues opening up to anyone. By NyRee Ausler Written on Jan 05, 2023. Snake venom can be deadly as well as a life-saving . And whats the solution to divine union with a woman? If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. It means that you might feel like running from your counterpart. But once you start providing for your partner, its one of the most rewarding feelings in the world because you know they feel loved and taken care of by you. So, both the divine masculine and feminine are present everywhere we lookincluding within us. Take self-responsibility. The ultimate goal of the divine masculine embarking on his journey is to connect and balance the divine masculine energy with that of the divine feminine energy and increase the vibration of his inner soul. In nature, we might see divine feminine symbols via waves, rain, crops, and flowers. Another sign that you are experiencing the divine masculine awakening in your twin flame journey is that you are spiritually less aware. Using this energy in your twin flame connection could lead to either a smooth ride or a bumpy one. 9. His focus is on her. Its a process that takes time to understand, accept and then turn around for the better. The list of symptoms of twin flame divine masculine awakening keeps growing, and this time were talking about stubbornness. Just as I say in every article on this topic, with regards to gay people, they should choose to nourish the energy that represents them the most. Another one of the symptoms of the divine masculine awakening is feeling like your life has a higher purpose. The Divine Masculine is a spiritual concept that refers to the healed, healthy expression of the masculine energy in all of us. As mentioned before, a balance between the divine feminine and divine masculine should be achieved in each of us. For example, when my friend started feeling pushed away by her counterpart, she did something Id never do. As your Divine Masculine awakens, it will balance your feminine energies until they reach the right level, and your intuition will awaken. Just like people who are experiencing runners high, youll experience something called divine masculine high. One of the symptoms of the divine masculine awakening in your life is increased self-confidence and self-esteem. If you have been sporty since you were a little kid, it is a strong indication that you have already integrated masculinity in a previous lifetime. Physical movement is crucial for men. Their focus has shifted from their Masculines as they begin placing their energies on themselves and their mission. When the Divine Masculine is awakening, it will be very easy for you to embrace your leadership abilities. So, its main focus is to express through the emphasis on efficiency and practicality (as opposed to feelings or emotions). Your word will be set in stone, and this will bring a lot of power and positive transformation into your life. Once your divine masculine awakens, you will realize that it is so much more. Heres what Oneira, a person who experienced twin flame divine masculine awakening shared on Quora: You will feel more powerful. The divine masculine is the manifestation of male (or "Father") energy within and around the Universe. You cannot manifest anything, including your divine feminine, without self-love. The masculine energy is all about providing, whereas the feminine energy is about receiving and nurturing. On the evening of 19/2, the 3 major earth portals that hold the divine masculine, feminine and love energies were ignited by Source. You have clarity and set goals that align with where your life is headed. This will affect your twin flame journey differently, but it could result in you running harder and faster than ever. This state of spiritual harmony will awaken the divine masculine qualities to enable you to do amazing things that'll be available on Earth soon, such as telepathy, rapid manifestation, psychic healings, and so on. You see, divine masculine energy is all about rational thinking, goal-setting, and being analytical. Symptom #6: You yearn for a sacred union with your Goddess. Even if it means going through some tough moments, trust that whats happening is for the better and learn from these experiences. Here are some tell-tale signs you can apply to your Twin Flame Union, to help you know your very own Divine Masculine is ready for a relationship. RELATED: How To Channel Your Feminine Energy (To Make Him Lust For You Like Crazy). From twin flames to psychics to dream interpretation, we cover it all. One side wants to listen to feelings, emotions, and sensitivities, while the other is focused on finding restraint, balance, and foundation. We might see feminine symbols in the water and earth signs of the zodiac: the Crab (Cancer), the Scorpion (Scorpio), the Fish (Pisces), the Goat (Capricorn), the Bull (Taurus), and the Maiden (Virgo). This is also important for your feminine counterpart. While masculine energy is more forceful and intentional, feminine power has a flow to it. Of course, those risks are usually within a healthy scope, you arent throwing yourself off cliffs without a rope, but you will become more inclined to do things other people deem unsafe. Take a look at this incredibly invigorating breathwork video, created by the shaman Rud Iand. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into what my future holds, and the confidence to make the right decisions when it comes to love. His Divine Feminine is a crucial part in his life. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. Look out for all the signs of twin flame divine masculine awakening and try to embrace the process. Take care of someone or something. When these two energies work together within us, they create a sweet union that allows us to embrace all that makes us human and holy. Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free. Alka Chowdhary, writer, poet, and painter, explains this with a few words: Divine masculines find the twin flame connection intimidating and confusing. Divine masculine energy is protective, active, and outspoken. To support this process and facilitate the Kundalini energy awakening, it's important to stick to your regular spiritual practices. She signed up for a professional twin flame reading. We live in a society that is much more focused on logic, rationality, reason, power, control, wealth and materialism. Other symbols might be pulled from the glyphs of the ruling planets of these zodiac signssuch as the moon, Venus, and Neptune. And yes, I said every human being and not every man, because women also possess masculine energy. When it awakens within you, you might feel a rush of ideas that you want to put out into the world. One important quality of the Divine Masculine is that he enjoys taking risks. Theres a certain flow that will take over your body and mind, making it hard to stop at any turn. Moving, doing, being in the moment. When the divine masculine awakens inside of you, youll feel like you need to control everything thats happening in your life. You will no longer think that having sex is a meaningless game, and you will show utmost importance to your partners needs and wants. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. All of a sudden you will crave that deep connection with only one woman in your life, your queen. So, grounding exercises like yoga, meditation, or sitting in nature, might be helpful to find that inner peace. This creation can show up in all sorts of ways. You now know how to treat your partner with love, respect, and consideration. You will manifest the healthiest qualities of a leader - protection, assertiveness, determination, and so on. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. Ignore what you thought you knew and open your mind to new concepts. I learned about this from the renowned shaman Rud Iand. Kundalini energy rises up the spine in snakelike or wavelike motions centered around the spine-axis. As a matter of fact, all human males and females are born with masculine and feminine energy. When the Divine Masculine is awakening, it will be very easy for you to embrace your leadership abilities. Why do we have such a hard time coming to this realization in the first place? Once you do this, youll be able to make decisions, live life, and find peace with ease. These designations simply describe the characteristics of each type of energy. All of a sudden, the timid guy you once were is gone and in his place is this confident man who knows his worth and knows what he brings to the table. According to spiritual author Shannon Kaiser, a few common causes include life-changing events (i.e., losing your job, moving away from home, a car accident, etc.) Too many people lack direction in life and exist merely to survive. The divine masculine awakened inside of you will help you to push through the difficulties and discover whats actually happening inside of you. Are you and your love interest meant to be? We are born with both masculine and feminine energy within us. Keep working hard and you will get even further! It may sound conceited or narcissistic to focus on loving yourself first. This may be a time where youre reading books about masculinity or watching a slew of YouTube videos to learn more. Either a smooth ride or a bumpy one on themselves and their mission I discovered my purpose in life much. Your goal about the power of the divine feminine divine masculine awakening symptoms, male or female has... 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