Please remember that it would be unduly detrimental to the bargaining process, to set forth the specifics of any proposals. Space is limited, please send an email to if interested prior to 12/8/22. The purpose of this bulletin is to inform agencies of OSCs automatic processing of the April 2021 and April 2022 CSEA Retroactive Salary Increases and provide instructions for payments not processed automatically. Workforce Development Presented Before: New York State Senate Finance Committee Chair, Senator Liz Krueger & New York State Assembly Ways and Means Committee . Operational Services Unit (OSU) - 03. Our thanks to Local President Dan Vadala for once again inviting us to join in the food, raffles, door prizes and more. 2022-2023 Tuition Benefits Application Form - Download the Tuition Benefits application form. As you may know, CSEA was the only Union that filed an Improper Practice charge at PERB last October specifically claiming that the cost of testing was a mandatory subject of bargaining. Filing for a Flaumenbaum Scholarship automatically puts an applicant in consideration for the Pearl Insurance and MetLife Scholarships. Time: Dec 15, 2022 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada),, +16469313860,,91048195862#,,,,*256746# US, +19292056099,,91048195862#,,,,*256746# US (New York), Find your local number: New York State and Local Retirement System (NYSLRS), New York State Budget Analysis and Financial Reporting, New York City Economic and Fiscal Monitoring, Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs). The adjustments (AJR, ARC, ARO, and Retro (RXX)) are supplemental taxable income and will be included in the employees taxable gross subject to all employment and income taxes. Andrew M. Cuomo ALBANY - Pay raises for an estimated 80,000 state executive branch employees may be deferred for more than two years, until April 2023, according. . Questions regarding military information may be directed to the Military Stipend mailbox. Stay tuned and thank you for your patience and continued support! 2007 to inform agencies of OSC's automatic processing of the April 2022 CSEA LLS payment and provide instructions for payments not . As you may be aware, CSEA Judiciary unit and UCS reached a Tentative Agreement on November 8, 2022. endstream endobj 639 0 obj <>stream To learn more visit: As you may be aware, CSEA Judiciary and UCS reached a Tentative Agreement on November 8, 2022. Our third and final informational meeting is scheduled for this Thursday December 15th from 6 to 8p.m. Certification and Licensure Examination Fee Reimbursement - Repayment for any number of certification or licensure exam fees up to a maximum of $350 per exam. On March 3, 2022, the Office of the State Comptroller issued State Agencies Bulletin No. The Judiciary negotiating team met with OCA again on August 3 and had another productive session, having reached agreement on some language changes and discussing others. If a Next of Kin Affidavit has been previously submitted for a deceased employees payroll check, OSC will accept a photocopy of this form along with a new Report of Check Exchange. Rest assured that the CSEA Team will continue to pursue an agreement that will address concerns and issues raised by the membership. This Google translation feature is provided for informational purposes only. BILL NUMBER: S5727A SPONSOR: GOUNARDES TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the civil service law, in relation to providing salary and other benefits to state employees designated managerial or confi- dential PURPOSE OR GENERAL IDEA OF BILL: To provide parity between salary increases and longevity payments between management or confidential employees There are 2,400 CSEA members employed by Erie County, along with an additional 1,500 members employed by the Erie County Medical Center Corporation ("ECMCC"), Erie Community College ("ECC"), and the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library. Adjustments for earnings that are calculated automatically, such as OT for Annuals (OTA), will be calculated incorrectly if the dates previously reported as a single entry on the Time Entry page overlap the effective date of the payment. The PayServ record of employees described above will be updated as follows: Employees who are on the Institution cycle on the payment effective date but are on the Administration cycle on the processing date will be processed as follows: Employees who are on the Administration cycle on the payment effective date but are on the Institution cycle on the processing date will be processed as follows: The following Control-D reports will be available for agency review after the automatic payments have been processed. Submissions for 2022 reimbursement will be accepted through March 31st, 2023. Simply go to click on the Buy Tickets and Passes link on the top left click on the Promo Code? An analysis by the Syracuse Post-Standard found that the City paid police officers about $227,000 to stay home amid the shutdownwhile also paying officers $850,000 in overtime. and April 7, 2022 (Inst.) If CSEA has an electronic email address on file, you will receive an email blast reiterating this message. Employees Who Receive an Increased Hiring Rate on or After the Payment Effective Date. g:NufN84!Y:Hy*]};yW?w;;hB. This will give agencies time to correct employees records, if necessary, prior to the automatic processing of the April 2021 and April 2022 CSEA Retroactive Salary Increases. CSEA Contract Negotiations. That IP was consolidated with the mandated vaccine IP and was heard in April; CSEA is awaiting a determination on both cases from the Administrative Law Judge assigned. There will also be another opportunity in August to exchange up to 5 additional annual/comp time days. However, the "Google Translate" option may help you to read it in other languages. Reason Code CSL (Correct Salary) for ANN or CRT (Change Rate) for HRY Comp Rate Code for subsequent effective dated transactions effective: 2021 Increase after 03/25/2021 (Institution) or 04/01/2021 (Administration), 2022 Increase after 04/07/2022 (Institution) or 03/31/2022 (Administration), If an employee has a check returned or exchanged on an. Read the full MOU here. The New York State Office of the State Comptroller's website is provided in English. April 15, 2021. The row will be inserted using the effective date of the Rehire or Return from Leave action. For those members whose email addresses are on record and who will receive the Election Buddy notification, please DO NOT forward the notification that you receive to another party or email address. The New York State Office of the State Comptroller's website is provided in English. stream NYS Position Has Both Equated Grade and NTE, Empl Req Review to Determine if Elig for Incr, For pay changes, position changes, and transfers requested on the Job Action Requests or Transfer Requests page with an effective date. &1Q$p Ce; !Y(VP^8 (UdGBRc G I encourage every member to utilize the application in order to have all of your info in the palm of your hand. You can find the app by visiting the Google play store or the App store on your iphone. Judiciary Local 330 President Lawrence Germano testified in front of the Unified court systems pandemic practices working group during last weeks session. These effective dated rows will be processed automatically by OSC. Agencies must insert a new row on the Additional Pay page using the effective dates of 03/25/2021 (Institution) or 04/01/2021 (Administration) for the April 2021 CSEA Retroactive Salary Increase and 04/07/2022 (Institution) or 03/31/2022 (Administration) for the April 2022 CSEA Retroactive Salary Increase with the new GEO and/or OPD amount. Tap the Esc key to return to this page . GET to KnowNew York State ComptrollerThomas P. DiNapoli. endstream endobj 637 0 obj <>stream According to the resolution, the college will pay for half of the total cost, $1,749,500, by using unallocated Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds and is asking the state to pay for the other half. endstream endobj 635 0 obj <>stream The office of the state comptroller has provided the following schedule for the various payments under the CSEA contract: EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND CO-PAY REIMBURSEMENT. Correcting an Automatic Retroactive Adjustment. 2021-2022 CSEA SALARY SCHEDULE 12 MONTH and HOURLY STEPS 8YR 13YR 18YR 23YR 28YR RANGE . CSEA - Administrative Services Unit (ASU) CSEA - Operational Services Unit (OSU) CSEA - Institutional Services Unit (ISU) CSEA - Division of Military and Naval Affairs Unit (DMNA) CWA/GSEU - State University Graduate Student Negotiating Unit (GSNU) C82 - Security Supervisors Unit (SSPU) DC-37 - Rent Regulation Services Unit . If the salary is greater than the Job Rate of the employees grade on the effective date based on the 04/01/2020 Salary Schedule, OSC will automatically increase the salary by applying 2.00% rounded to the nearest dollar OR increase the salary to the Job Rate based on the 04/01/2021 Salary Schedule, whichever is greater. Agencies must determine eligibility and submit appropriate Pay Rate Changes for eligible employees with hourly rates equal to or less than $15.00. The budget also proposes an increase in the CHIPS bidding threshold from $350k to $750k. Employees who receive an Increased Hiring Rate on or after the payment effective date (03/25/2021 or 04/07/2022 (Institution) or 04/01/2021 or 03/31/2022 (Administration)) may not be entitled to have the increase applied to their entire salary. New York State and Local Retirement System (NYSLRS), New York State Budget Analysis and Financial Reporting, New York City Economic and Fiscal Monitoring, Payroll Bulletin 702 Recalculation of Salary When There is Movement Between Bargaining Units with Differing Raises. Represented by the Civil Service Employees Association Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Inc. (CSEA), the Operational Services Unit is comprised of craft workers, maintenance and repair personnel, and machine operators including maintenance assistants, cleaners, and highway maintenance workers. Please remember that it would be unduly detrimental to the bargaining process, to set forth the specifics of any proposals. If earnings were previously reported using Earnings Code RGS and a date range that exceeded the number of days reported, the system will calculate the adjustment of earnings based on the number of workdays within the range. @EBImd/-$m(I}7 i E8Y5:M This promo code is active through Sept. 5, 2022. 1888 to notify agencies of an automatic dues increase for employees represented by CSEA local 1000. year for employees in titles equated to salary grade level six or below as of January . HA1{CC&TUX(,(xOIA^M Communication to NYS Retirement to update final average salary for CSEA represented employees who retired since April 1, 2021 to include the 2% increase. %PDF-1.7 Hourly employees with an hourly rate that is equal to or less than $15.00 on or after the payment effective date will not be processed automatically and will require agency review to determine payment eligibility. A brief membership meeting will be held with those local 334 members in attendance at 1:15 p.m. Primary elections for statewide office (Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller, where applicable) and state assembly will be held on June 28. The position will be updated to reflect the change and the automatic salary increase will be processed provided the agencys position request contains the same information as the position information in NYSTEP. This seasonal promotion is brought to you by CSEA Local 334. Each reminder will contain a valid ballot that you can use to vote, so you do not need to search your emails to find a ballot. "I'm really happy," Board of. ZBP%vZ;P9e&q/j8B%;QkSG q/j8B PNpRM$*5)wZhsv\=;k9.wr CUUNp*b#U-*VF*wCU6^q]mPUv!CUpZJPMyX%/-&5%W%)_c\:!wCg{;G On September 12, 2022, the Office of the State Comptroller issued Payroll Improvement Project Bulletin No. 5.19% increase effective July 1, 2021 Board Approved: March 8, 2022 1 2 345. Google Translate cannot translate all types of documents, and it may not give you an exact translation all the time. Site Index | Career Opportunities| Contact Us | Privacy and Links Policies | Regulations | Accessibility | FOIL | Webcasts, April 2021 and 2022 Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Retroactive 2% Salary Increases. On November 21, 2022 CSEA will send ballots to vote on this Tentative Agreement via electronic means Election Buddy, to members whose non-work email addresses are on record with CSEA; and a paper ballot and return envelope to members for whom CSEA does not have a non-work email address. read the full bulletin Get yours while they are here, they will not last long and are being distributed on a first come, first served basis. If you are receiving these notices please remember you agreed to share with co-workers in your work location. 2011-2019 CSEA Judiciary | Created By: dezinsINTERACTIVE, HOME | ABOUT | LOCALS | NEWS | RESOURCES | CONTRACT | CONTACT US, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress,,,,,, Retro increases to Longevity Bonuses, [CSEA] Longevity Payments and SLED, longevity payments and service bonus payments (if eligible), Retro uniform and blazer allowance, location pay and SOS, along with the annual increase applicable to these benefits [eff. CSEA continues to seek a longer-term agreement with increased benefits for its members. Attached is a side-by-side comparison of the current 2020-2021 collective bargaining agreement and the new Tentative Agreement. These include, but are not limited to: Because Google Translate is intellectual property owned by Google Inc., you must use Google Translate in accord with the Google license agreement, which includes potential liability for misuse: Google Terms of Service. INCREASE 2.00% 1.020 Salary Schedule Effective March 31, 2022 (Admin.) The system will calculate an adjustment for all earnings reported in a single entry based on the salary in effect on the Earnings End Date. Please see Payroll Bulletin No. 3 0 obj To process a retroactive adjustment or correct an automatic retroactive adjustment, agencies must submit the following information on the Time Entry page or the Time Entry Interface (NPAY502) using the Earnings Code AJR, ARC, or ARO: OSC will recalculate the military stipend amount for employees who were placed on a Paid or Unpaid Military Stipend Leave on or after the effective date of the payment as the result of new military orders. 2053 to inform agencies of OSC's automatic processing of the April 2021 and April 2022 CSEA Retroactive Salary Increases and provide instructions for payments not processed automatically. Beginning October 1, 2022, the hourly minimum wage for a home care aide will increase by $2; and beginning October 1, 2023, the minimum wage will increase by an additional dollar per hour. If an employee receives a payment and has worked in more than one agency but has been paid by all agencies in the same Employee Record Number since the effective date of the payment, all retroactive adjustments will be paid in the most current agency. SALARY TABLE 2022-NY INCORPORATING THE 2.2% GENERAL SCHEDULE INCREASE AND A LOCALITY PAYMENT OF 35.06% FOR THE LOCALITY PAY AREA OF NEW YORK-NEWARK, NY-NJ-CT-PA TOTAL INCREASE: 3.02% EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2022 Annual Rates by Grade and Step Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 This version will also update a number of the tools and links available. HMk@@a/~B4&CB}H2GY`#93'7c;DbpLdG}h~N>AgrrTU|L_=i.n;\-n],yXbI\\fe3- endstream endobj 638 0 obj <>stream Testimony on the FY 2022-23 . Beginning in Institution Pay 13L or Administration Pay Period 14L, agencies must review the records of employees with an hourly rate in effect that is equal to or less than $15.00 at any time on or after the payment effective date of the salary increases to determine if the employee is seasonal and their compensation represents a minimum wage in effect for their location. @T09! Please see the attached notice from the Local with a description of each student. GET to KnowNew York State ComptrollerThomas P. DiNapoli. If the employee has a Comp Rate Code of ANN, a Grade equal to 600 with an equated grade equal to 001-025 and an increment code other than 2222 and the salary is equal to a salary step of the employees grade on the effective date based on the 04/01/2020 Salary Schedule, OSC will automatically increase the salary to the same salary step on the 04/01/2021 Salary Schedule. When certain conditions exist in an employees record, the automatic retroactive adjustment may be incorrect. 631 0 obj <> endobj CSEA CLASSIFIED SALARY SCHEDULE (HOURLY) 2022-2023 Range Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step F 21. The annual increase in compensation costs in New York was 5.1 percent in December 2022, compared to 5.5 percent in Boston-Worcester-Providence and 4.1 percent in Philadelphia-Reading-Camden, the two other metropolitan areas in the Northeast. Deferred Compensation Maximum Contributions Limits for Calendar Year 2023, Maximum Salary Limit for Members of the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) and Voluntary Defined Contribution (VDC) Retirement for Calendar Year 2023, Retirement Plan Checkbox on Form W-2 (Wage and Tax Statement) for Tax Year 2022, New York State Payroll Online (NYSPO) Electronic Delivery of 2022 Form W-2 Statement, 2021-2022 Public Employees Federation (PEF) Firearms Training and Safety Incentive Program Payment, 2022 Year End Adjustment for Members of the NYS Legislature, 2023 State Employees Federated Appeal (SEFA) Campaign, damages or losses caused by reliance upon the accuracy of any such information, damages incurred from the viewing, distributing, or copying of such materials. Time: Nov 21, 2022 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada),, +19292056099,,93322920371#,,,,*964064# US (New York), +16469313860,,93322920371#,,,,*964064# US, Find your local number:,, This years tickets will be good for one time use on Monday through Thursday. Stay tuned and thank you for your patience and continued support! . The report is sorted by Department ID, then by employee name in alphabetical order. 1786 Non-Negotiated and/or Undeliverable New York State Payroll Checks. All ballots, paper and electronic, are due back to CSEA by close of business on December 21, and all ballots will be counted on December 22, 2022. On November 21, 2022 CSEA will send ballots to vote on this Tentative Agreement via electronic means . For each effective dated row where the employees compensation rate is equal to or less than $15.00, submit a Pay Change on the Job Action Requests page using the appropriate Reason code (see below) to pay the salary increase(s). This report is a preliminary listing of employees who appear ineligible to receive the April 2021 and April 2022 CSEA Retroactive Salary Increases based on information available as of the date the report is produced. 1893 for more information. UUP 2016-2022 Contractual Salary Increases; Compensation Type Eligibility Criteria Detail . New York State advised CSEA all aspects of health insurance . If you rely on information obtained from Google Translate, you do so at your own risk. . When an adjustment is needed for non-COVID-19 related overtime or recall such as OTT,AROmust be entered. We understand there is plenty of work and it has certainly increased since the court system has gone virtual and new laws and practices being implemented. Member of the Year Nominations. . % 4)*YmPcqXqI)T6QMgyD=55uJ'4,u'8H0Z[(;HyCtuJ>~K9Ek()HW`eQe9`=xs0BT9 %#;TV[$KTZIUw(1idPnisP6IU0EkdPQ)$p_0Qy|>*{]pu2 t%DUDI}uU&lIDYbN8UhcT"]uY !N{#`fSi0 Submit a Pay Change on the Job Action Requests page using the appropriate Reason code (see below) to pay the salary increase(s). ALBANY, N.Y. ( NEWS10) - It was announced on Wednesday that New York State will restore $600 million in retroactive general salary increases for state workers. each of whom won a Classified School Employee of the Year award for 2022, were recently honored. We will be back at the table with OCA on August 3. While recent sessions have been constructive, there is still much work left to do and we have set dates to meet in August and September. The Memorandum of Understanding with CSEA and the State regarding supplemental military leave has been extended through December 31, 2023. If the increase to the minimum wage was greater than the negotiated increase, the minimum wage rate should remain in effect. Check out the Store tab on the RunSignUp page! and April 7, 2022 (Inst.) Employees who were on a Leave of Absence (other than Workers Compensation Leave) on the effective date of the increase will become eligible for the salary increase upon the employees return from leave. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. The salaries of employees who moved from a CSEA Position to a non-CSEA position during the retroactive raise period (after 03/25/2021 (Institution) and 04/01/2021 (Administration) through payment processing) must be reviewed to determine if the salary of the non-CSEA position must be recalculated as a result of the increase to the salary of the prior CSEA position. The New York State Law Enforcement Officers Union, Council 82, agreed to a seven-year contract that includes an annual 2% raise, other compensation increases and changes to health insurance benefits. April 2021 and 2022 Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Retroactive 2% Salary Increases Date Issued September 22, 2022 Purpose The purpose of this bulletin is to inform agencies of OSC's automatic processing of the April 2021 and April 2022 CSEA Retroactive Salary Increases and provide instructions for payments not processed automatically. Rest assured that the CSEA Team will continue to pursue an agreement that will address concerns and issues raised by the membership. The Office of New York State Gov. If you rely on information obtained from Google Translate, you do so at your own risk. Any additional adjustment that is required due to the increased biweekly stipend amount that will not be calculated automatically will be reported by OSC on the Time Entry page using the Earnings Code AMS (Adjust Military Stipend). In addition to the MyCsea app, I encouraged all members to create an account on the CSEA webpage here in order to stay up to date with news from our Statewide President Mary Sullivan. hb``a`````` Anytime spent working outside of those scheduled hours is considered overtime. If members are not receiving overtime pay (either scheduled or unscheduled) they should not be engaging in any work activity outside of the regular scheduled shift. Information regarding the composite position must be included on the General Comments page. When a valid payroll check is undeliverable due to the agencys inability to locate the employee, the agency should follow the Agency Actions identified inPayroll Bulletin No. 2022 at 1:05 pm. A row on the employees Job Data page for each affected subsequent row using the Action/Reason Code of Pay Rate Change/MSC (Military Stipend Change) and the new biweekly stipend amount. INCREASE 2.00% 1.020 2022 2023 SG HR STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 JR INCR . As PayServ does not include this information, OSC will be mailing a Request for Special Wage Payment Report to inactive individuals who are 62 or older in the calendar year and to active employees with the New York Retiree Indicator checked in Modify a Person who receive the retroactive payment. READ THE FULL BULLETIN. The April 2020 CSEA 2% Retroactive Salary Increase will be paid using the following effective dates and check dates: Eligibility Criteria The following employees are eligible to receive the April 2020 CSEA Retroactive 2% Salary Increase: Employees with a Comp Rate Code of HRY (Grade 600 or 800) However, the "Google Translate" option may help you to read it in other languages. On September 22, 2022, the Office of the State Comptroller issued Payroll Improvement Project Bulletin No. 4 0 obj CONTRACTUAL OVERTIME The following Control-D report was made available for agency use on 09/08/2022 (Institution) and 09/15/2022 (Administration)). <> E308\B^uIu ir+*uyV}x1 wk]bmS sK z a,mL$qbjG24+dX $tW8LTba)w|#ZY0:(P2Rx^Gg^Cb*5Y%ONw!{YpY- -}F!ked}G,n{Y[edJ}O%{U$;I{I{Yxld{Y;Y{KdxSw/krpY{YWw'kTO{i=rlrI^;4I+Tw7_1KSeeV# y <> <>/Metadata 3684 0 R/ViewerPreferences 3685 0 R>> A new, improved version of the MyCSEA app has been released and it features several enhancements. Union Contracts. Completed and signed ballots must be postmarked by June 28th. If the employee has a Comp Rate Code of ANN, a Grade equal to 001-025 and an increment code other than 2222 and the salary is equal to a salary step of the employees grade on the effective date based on the 04/01/2021 Salary Schedule, OSC will automatically increase the salary to the same salary step on the 04/01/2022 Salary Schedule. CSEA 75 Salary Schedule 2021-2022 District Service Recognition* (Article 14.2) . With this being said you must let your supervisor know when this happens either by email or phone call. OSC will process the April 2021 and/or April 2022 CSEA Retroactive Salary Increases for the following employees: The salary on each inserted row will be calculated as follows: Exceptions Due to Movement to a Non-CSEA Position. Google Translate cannot translate all types of documents, and it may not give you an exact translation all the time. December 2022 Increase to Minimum Wage : No. Federal, State, and New York City income tax withholding will be calculated using the Aggregate method. A reminder to submit your EBF co-pay reimbursement form for physician visit and prescription co-pays. Employees with a Comp Rate Code of FEE are not eligible for the salary increase unless the employee is budgeted as per diem but is paid using FEE. endstream endobj 636 0 obj <>stream The retroactive adjustment will be paid in the Institution check dated 10/06/2022. Questions regarding this bulletin may be directed to the Payroll Earnings mailbox. Thanks to all the CSEA members who sent messages through the CSEA portal to their legislators in opposition to the OCA planyou won the day! Please check with your Local President (Ian Spencer, mail to: if you do not receive a synopsis of the Tentative Agreement by November 18, 2022. 2047 to inform agencies of OSC's automatic processing of the October 2022 CSEA LLS payment and provide instructions for payments not automatically processed. Nutrition Services Worker I - 10 Mo: 20: 16.56; 17.38: 18.23 19.12: 20.11 21.11: 31; . Per Internal Revenue Service Publication 957, OSC will be reporting retro payments made to individuals who have filed for Social Security benefits to the Social Security Administration (SSA). Please refer to. If the salary is greater than the Job Rate of the employees grade on the effective date based on the 04/01/2021 Salary Schedule, OSC will automatically increase the salary by applying 2.00% rounded to the nearest dollar OR increase the salary to the Job Rate based on the 04/01/2022 Salary Schedule, whichever is greater. Hourly employees who are not in seasonal hourly positions are eligible for the increases but will not be processed automatically if their hourly rate is equal to or less than $15.00. If the employee did not receive a stipend but becomes eligible for a stipend as a result of the payment, OSC will insert the following in PayServ: A row on the employees Job Data page effective the date the employee is entitled to a stipend using the Action/Reason Code of Paid Leave of Absence/MLS (Mil Stip) and the new biweekly stipend amount. CSEA will continue to push for changes to this policy. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> The Connors Way Team is proud to have awarded 25 scholarships to area high schoolers this year, at 13 different high schools, bringing the total awards in the past four years to well over $30,000! These include, but are not limited to: Because Google Translate is intellectual property owned by Google Inc., you must use Google Translate in accord with the Google license agreement, which includes potential liability for misuse: Google Terms of Service. If you intend to vote by absentee ballot, the last day to request one by mail was June 13 OR in-person at your county board of elections by June 27. It appears that your web browser does not support JavaScript, or you have temporarily disabled scripting. Recipients of this mailing will be asked to fill out the request and return it to OSC for inclusion on the Special Wage Payment report to SSA. % HOk1~iBqBBO*c-o3,lKQ|q8oeI}Q\|zn9O~:|}I(?s=? *IN ORDER TO VOTE YOU MUST BE A CSEA MEMBER*. The row will be inserted using the effective date of the Hire, Position Change, or Transfer action. NEW YORK STATE 2022-2023 FINAL Budget Highlights. along with per-course minimum salary increases for adjunct faculty and 2 percent increases due on the PGY salary schedules for residents and fellows. All updates and reminders will be available on the website at

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